Option offenses are a hot topic right now. With the recent success of Pistol concepts and exciting players like Colin Kaepernick and RG III everyone is talking about it.

Of course these concepts aren’t new. Those of us who coach in an option offense and follow college football aren’t surprised We’ve been touting the effectiveness of these schemes for years. Still, it is a relatively new development in the League and as such is now reaching a critical mass with the hundreds of thousands of football fans across the country. It’s an exciting time for proponents of option offenses.
Option Offense Myths
Whenever we see a successful implementation of an option offense, there are always a legion of detractors ready to make some of the following assertions:
1. Option Offenses are a gimmick
2. Option Offenses can’t work in the NFL
3. Option Offenses are run only
4. Option Offenses won’t work against good defenses
5. Option Offenses are too risky
And so on…ad nauseum.
I will be publishing an article early next week that busts these and some of the other myths floating around about option offenses. Check back soon for this article, or better yet, subscribe for option football updates and a free eBook when it’s published.
Offensive Line coaches should check this out….
Coach Peterson recently published an eBook on developing offensive lineman. I haven’t read it yet, but his other content is fantastic so I have no doubt this will be an awesome read. Click through the following link to read about what he is offering.
Developing a Physical and Aggressive Offensive Line by Curtis Peterson at StrongFootballCoach.com
Option Offense Cutups
Below is a video with some great clips of the option in action.