Option Football History: The Split-T Center/QB Exchange

In the last post we explored the quarterbacks path in the Split-T and discussed how this helped to make the offense more effective.  We will continue to explore the mechanical aspects Faurot named as being important to the success of his scheme. Today we will discuss how Faurot taught the Center/QB Exchange .

  1. Line Splits
  2. Quarterback Path
  3. Center/QB Exchange
  4. Play Sequence
  5. Backfield Stance
  6. Ball Handling
  7. Position Requirements
  8. Flexibility

Continue reading Option Football History: The Split-T Center/QB Exchange

Option Football History: 4 Reasons Don Faurot Believed in the Split-T

Don Faurot developed the option football concept while the head coach at Missouri.

In 1941 Don Faurot, football coach at Missouri, sat in a gymnasium watching a basketball game. As he watched he became enamored with the fast break and an idea began to form in his mind. When he emerged from the gymnasium a vision had rooted itself deeply in his mind. A vision so bold and effective it would leave an imprint on the game of football that is still clearly visible after more than 70 years.

Continue reading Option Football History: 4 Reasons Don Faurot Believed in the Split-T