Need some option football motivation to fuel your summer workouts as we march toward August? As always, Navy Videos are amazing. Below you will find the 2014 Teaser and the final Episode of the 2013 Brotherhood campaign. I’m definitely ready for some option football…Ride and Decide!
The 2013 season is fast approaching and that means previews of the upcoming Navy football season. It’s no secret that I love these productions from the Midshipmen football program. Enjoy the newest video. Also look for upcoming posts on my top mobile apps for coaches and Flexbone offensive line play.
The service academies are steeped in college football tradition and it is still an awesome sight to see the Navy football team storm the field carrying American Flags. Photo from the U.S. Navy Flickr feed.
Football motivation. The idea is pervasive in football culture. There are videos, quotes, posters, and over 30 million results for the Google search. It’s also big on Twitter. There are also scholarly articles written on motivation and sport psychology.
Motivation is an integral aspect of any endeavor requiring hard work. This is especially true in the off-season. Players and coaches must be motivated to put in the work necessary to get better. This involves study and a great deal of training. It involves breaking down game film, learning from past mistakes and implementing new ideas. It involves hours in the weight room building strength and power. Then it requires many more hours on the track or in the gym to improve flexibility, speed and agility. All of this requires discipline and motivation.
Then there is also the emotional aspects of the game. Football and emotion are deeply entwined . We see this emotion on so many levels. It manifests itself in the passion of fans, in the joy of victory, and in the agony of defeat. We also see it at the close of each season, often with tears. Tears of joy after claiming a title, or tears of grief when falling short of the goal. As such, it is possible to motivate by invoking emotion and inspiration. This is often done with music and narrative. Most of us have heard the great motivational speeches of Vince Lombardi and Knute Rockne. Many of us have also witnessed the effect of the music and voice overs in an NFL Films production.
So I want to showcase some of the best football motivational work I’ve seen. In my mind, the 2012 motivational campaign implemented by Navy’s football program is one of the most cohesive and effective I’ve seen. Plus they run the Flexbone, so as a coach of an option offense it is even more meaningful. Navy released the following videos last spring and throughout the 2012 season. I’ve posted a few of them before, but wanted get them all up. The list includes a video entitled “The Journey,” a motivational video for each game, and a 15 minute highlight video for the 2012 season. Check them out and let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
The progress of my Flexbone eBook has slowed somewhat due to some unforeseen circumstances, however, I am still plugging away at it. If you sign up for updates from, I will send you a link for a free download when its published and you will get updates when something new is published here.
I am projecting the book to be over 100 pages long and will include breakdowns for the Inside Veer, Midline (Iso, Rocket, Triple), Outside Veer, Rocket Toss, and much more. It will also include discussions on each of the offensive groups (quarterbacks, fullbacks, slotbacks, offensive line, and wide receivers) and will cover topics such as terminology and count system.
On another note, option football fans should definitely check this video out. Every touchdown from Navy’s 2012 season.
The option quarterback is the key component to an option football offensive scheme. His ability to make decisions within the context of the play directly affects the offenses ability to move the ball. If the quarterback is unable to do this consistently, the offense will struggle to maintain any sustainability. Continue reading Option Quarterback: 10 Key Coaching Points
Three of the most notable option football teams in college football posted W’s yesterday while #2 Oregon lost, bringing its nation leading 13 game winning streak to an end.
Navy defeated Texas St. 21-10, GT was all over Duke 42-24, and Air Force knocked off Hawaii 21-7. Not a bad weekend for some of college football’s most popular option football teams.
Weekly Navy Motivational
And if you haven’t seen it yet, here is last weeks edition of the Navy Friday Night Motivational Video. I think I might start producing something like this for my teams using Hudl. I will look into doing a few practice runs in the off-season and post them.
I read an article today indicating a rumor that the Big 10 is eyeing GT. I’m still not sure what my opinion is on all the moving around lately within conferences, however, I can see why the Big 10 is interested in new teams.
So what are your thoughts on the Oregon loss and a world with Georgia Tech in the Big 10? Should I produce a Thursday Night Motivational video in prep for a weekly run next year?
Let me know what you think in the comments and as always, feel free to sign up for updates in the form on the right or by clicking here.
Option football and Keenan Reynolds leads Navy to their 5th win in a row. Photo by the Official U.S Navy
The Midshipman win again. This time in a come from behind 24-17 victory over FAU. Freshman quarterback Keenan Reynolds ran for a career high 159 yards and a touchdown. That’s 5 in a row for Navy. All coming after Reynolds was given the starting job.
Below you can see the most recent Friday Night Motivational video Navy watches before their games. It features a phenomenal speech and a soundtrack that includes the orchestra version of Metallica’s One. Gotta love Metallica. I’ve embedded it below, check it out. I’ve also embedded a few highlight videos, all from the Navy Football Videos Vimeo page.
I am beginning to really enjoy the pre-game motivational videos created for the Navy Football team. Fantastic stuff again for the ECU game.
The focus is on fear and there are some great quotes in here from legends like Ronnie Lott, Lawrence Taylor and Deacon Jones. Stephen King also provides some thoughts. Who better than King to speak on fear.